Entering the

Entering the

2020-05-18 17:28:47 0

After the outbreak, many people began to believe that home and home improvement in the post-epidemic era should be "online."

Atypical pneumonia has matured the business model of e-commerce and has become an opportunity for Alibaba and JD.com to rise. In the same way, the new crown epidemic in 2020 may also become the dividing line for accelerating the transformation of the home industry. At least, in the past month, the circle of friends has been screened by Douyin quick marketing, and it seems that everyone in the home is broadcasting live The arrival of the recovery period is to prepare in full swing.


According to incomplete statistics, Suning, Tuba, Qijiawang and Yidoutang have all cooperated with home furnishing companies to jointly provide live broadcast services; leading custom home furnishing companies represented by Oupai and Sofia will also broadcast live during the outbreak As an important customer acquisition channel.

Driven by the live broadcast, Suning has multiple categories of smart home product sales growth rate of more than 100% year-on-year. Qijia.com and Tuba are companies with strong Internet attributes in the home improvement industry. They have a certain history of home improvement online. Yiou learned from Qijia.com and Tuba that during the epidemic, the two companies They have joined hands with a large number of enterprises to broadcast live, and have reached a certain order. Yange Decoration, Qi Jiadian Shang, Tianyimei Decoration and other decoration companies that cooperated with Qijia.net have received dozens of orders during the live broadcast; Tuba In terms of rabbits, the conversion rate reached 20% -40% in 7 home improvement live broadcasts held with decoration companies such as Daxian Decoration Headquarters, Shanghai Quality Ding Decoration and Chengdu Chuangmeiju. The Yidoutang APP has opened up resources to home furnishing stores. Enterprises can promote customers for free in the APP. The founder Xu Honghu said that since the news was released in early February, more than 5,000 household furniture companies have settled in Yidoutang APP .

In the custom home furnishing industry, live broadcasting has also become a trend. On February 13th, Europa and Hunan TV host Xiaoyue tested live sales on three platforms: Tmall, Tencent, and Suning. The actual number of online viewers exceeded 650,000, and the total number of live broadcast orders reached 12,365, creating a home building materials industry. The highest number of online viewers and the highest number of total live broadcast orders in the history of live broadcasting. Sofia, another giant of custom home furnishing, urgently adjusted the February start plan during the Spring Festival and transferred it to online orders. According to Sofia, since February, the company has carried out several online activities with good results.

In addition, cloud design companies such as Coca-Cola, 3D Home, Dresser, and other home furnishing companies such as TATA Wooden Door, Dongyi Risheng, Holocaco, and Imperial Sanitary Ware all have layouts in the field of live broadcasting to quickly strengthen online capabilities. An opinion has gradually formed in the market: After the epidemic, the online process of the home furnishing industry will be accelerated, and live broadcast as a new format cannot be ignored.

After the live broadcast era, will the home furnishing industry be completely transformed? For this problem, an industry person gave a different view.

He believes that the installation of cross-border live broadcasts is basically equal to self-hi when the online foundation is weak and the audience is lacking, and some of the installation companies are ugly to eat. Value has lost its original intention. He pointed out that this kind of live broadcast behavior belongs to the pressure of the first quarter performance on the verge of "scrap", and the blind play of enterprises in order to survive, does not have much significance to the industry.

This is undoubtedly pouring cold water into the live broadcast boom. However, on the one hand is the cruel business pressure, on the one hand is the rapid rise of the trend, the corporate collective is running in a certain direction, at this moment, the industry does need some cold thinking.

Whether the live broadcast will completely change the industry ecology with the epidemic as a node, or a temporary trend that erupts for survival, it is the efforts made by the enterprise for development. For most companies, at the moment, the most urgent thing is not to change the industry ecology, but to survive in this special period.

If you live, there will be a future.

When it comes to the future, Xiang Chong's expectations are generally optimistic. "After the epidemic, the decoration market should rebound."

This is also the mainstream voice in the industry. Household consumption demand is biased towards rigid demand, which was temporarily affected by the epidemic and was temporarily shelved, but sooner or later it will be released. Many people believe that from a longer period of time, the impact of this outbreak will not be too great. When the epidemic has completely passed, people can take to the streets with peace of mind, and those who have been put on hold will be flooded into the market again.

It should be noted that the recovery of a company's normal operations is often marked by a point in time, and the recovery of sales and sales orders will be even longer from the perspective of the cycle. Regarding when this cycle will come, Dawn Tao, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Holocaust, believes that the industry is expected to gradually recover from March, and the company's performance in the second and third quarters may be relatively good.

However, the industry should still not be blindly optimistic about the future.

"The outbreak of the epidemic caused China's economic downturn is a high probability event, but the fundamentals of China's long-term economic improvement have not changed". It will almost inevitably affect consumers' confidence and expectations in the future, resulting in the suppression of some non-immediately needed, improved home and home improvement consumer demand.

What is the proportion of suppressed consumer demand? Will the impact on the industry be geometric?

At the moment, no one can give a definite answer.

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